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Google's AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) framework was announced in October 2015 and launched to the public in February 2016.

AMP is an open source initiative that aims to improve the loading speed of web pages on mobile devices, providing a smoother and faster experience loading speed of web pages on mobile devices, providing a smoother and faster experience for users. for users.

AMP web pages are designed to load quickly and efficiently in Google search results, and are also available on other platforms such as Twitter and LinkedIn.

What are the advantages of AMP?

As we have already mentioned, AMP is an open source framework that improves the loading speed of web pages on mobile devices. mobile devices. This is achieved by using a subset of HTML, JavaScript and CSS specially optimised to load quickly and provide a smooth and uninterrupted browsing experience.

These are some of the advantages it brings to the user:

  • Faster loading speed: AMP pages load very quickly on mobile devices, which can improve the user experience and reduce the bounce rate (users leaving the page before it loads completely).
  • Increased visibility in search results: AMP pages rank better because, in addition to improving the user experience with the accelerated loading speed, they are also displayed in the AMP page carousel at the top of the results page.
  • Increased interaction: By loading quickly, AMP pages can encourage user interaction with the content, as the user does not have to wait as long to access the content.
  • Lower data consumption: Because they are lighter and load faster, they also consume less mobile data, which is beneficial for users who have limited data plans or are in areas with poor quality connections.
  • Lower bounce rate: Pages that take too long to load lose a large number of potential customers. According to the latest estimates, 40% of users abandon a page if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. Therefore, a faster loading speed leads to a lower bounce rate and a higher number of visitors.

How to make a website AMP

This open source framework is published in AMP, although it is not easy to meet all the requirements for the page to be AMP. In order to comply with the parameters, the following steps must be taken:

  1. Convert the website to an AMP site: If it is not possible to have a directly AMP-optimised website, it is necessary to create an AMP version of each page of the website. This is done using a special subset of HTML, JavaScript and CSS optimised to load quickly on mobile devices.
  2. Validate the AMP code: It is important to ensure that the AMP code is valid so that it can be processed and served by Google and other AMP-compliant platforms. You can use the AMP validation tool to verify that your code complies with AMP standards.
  3. Referencing AMP content: The best option is to have a page that is directly AMP. Otherwise, you should be able to access the AMP website from your normal page. To do this, you must add a link to your AMP file in the head tag of your normal page, and you must also add a link to your normal page in your AMP file.
  4. Publish AMP content: Once you have finished creating and validating your AMP content, you can publish it on the web and start benefiting from the advantages of AMP.

AMP is an open source initiative and there are many tools and resources available to help you implement it. If you have problems or need help, you can consult the AMP documentation or request a quote from Uthorp.

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How it works and what to do to work AMP

The AMP Web Component Framework is included for AMP Websites, Web Stories, AMP Email, AMP Ads, plus many other features that improve loading speed and mobile usability.

On the website we can find all the related documentation such as guides and tutorials, components, examples, courses, templates...

Guides and tutorials

Guides and tutorials explain how to get started with the AMP framework and create an AMP HTML page.

Start in AMP

Google offers a code like. of or template with extension. HTML indicating the tag to include in the and , as well as other tags to identify the page as AMP, coding the page, including the AMP JavaScript library load, and connecting to the HTML version of the document the AMP HTML version.


For integration it explains the code that should be used to transform AMP bindings using the preferred server-side write time, the server-side read time, and even, if the latter is not possible, the application from the server. client side.

Google indicates the AMP URL API for information retrieval by providing example URL and AMP lists in JSON format.

This integration also allows the use of AMP caches to thus deliver only valid AMP pages that allow the page to load more efficiently and safely, with performance-optimized code that benefits the user.

Currently, there are 2 Cache providers: Google AMP Cache and Bing AMP Cache .

This provides two options for displaying the AMP file, which can be a version hosted by the publisher, and another hosted in an AMP cache.

The recommendation is to use the amp cache, as it improves the user experience with faster load time and low latency, specifically up to one second less load time.

In addition, it benefits performance and bandwidth thanks to the additional storage included in the dependent object cache on the client. In case the original AMP file has been updated and is no longer valid, it does not penalize the user experience since it is loaded through the AMP cache. But not only that, AMP cache allows users to always see the same AMP file protected from malware and hacks.

Finally, it allows the implementation of an AMP viewer. AMP Runtime provides a viewer API, to control the pre-production of amp documents in article navigation and AMP Runtime instrumentation.

All these advantages mean that share AMP content , it is the platforms that choose the version of the document that is presented to the user, which is why it is carried out through the canonical version.

AMP HTML training and specifications

To learn about the AMP and HTML specifications, Google provides new updated articles to ensure correct information and a good explanation of the features.

AMP HTML documents can be uploaded from the web to the server like any other HTML document, with no special configuration required. They are optimally designed for AMP proxy servers and documents.

This allows you to replace reference images with less weight and add preloaded CSS variables from extension components.

Using the AMP format, developers make AMP files available to be crawled by caching and displaying them to third parties.

Within the guides and tutorials , also specify the forms of action, how the incursion of HTTP protocols should be carried out, the restriction of ads so that they can only be downloaded if the user wishes, and how to configure it so that browsers can calculate the space they need each resource on the page without having to search for that resource.

All this is demonstrated through code examples with the required margins, metadata, HTML tags, HTML attributes, classes, IDs, links, style sheets, properties, keyframes, custom fonts, components...

Style and Layout

Pages are styled by layouts similar to HTML for normal pages, using CSS.

However, amp limits the use of CSS for usability reasons, although it does allow some additional layout capabilities such as placeholders & fallbacks, advanced usage via srcset and layout attributes .

In their AMP design and layout guide they explain how to add styles to a page, defining the components with common CSS class selectors.

These elements are always designed to be mobile friendly thanks to width and height attributes.

As always, Google offers excellent feedback through support for placeholders and fallbacks. They also allow you to direct the images thanks to the srcset and sizes attributes, and allow you to validate the styles and designs with guides for the revision of style and design errors .

Analytics Configuration

Finally, they explain how the Analytics settings should be applied. Before you begin, you must know what data you need and how you intend to analyze it.

It is important to know how to answer the questions of how you will analyze user interactions with third-party tools, or what will be the behavior of users to understand how they interact with the page.

This data can be integrated using AMP Analytics and sent to multiple URLs. AMP Analytics is set up to measure data only once, although it may be sent to different recipients. If you work with third-party analytics providers, they recommend visiting the list of providers that integrate their tools with AMP.

Based on the data needed to study and measure user engagement, they recommend considering whether to record pageview traffic or monitor more interaction patterns. For this they offer the options of AMP Pixel and AMP Analytics .

Finally, they indicate the need to recognize the type of data to be captured from users, in order to know the options for the variable substitution , and user identification.

AMP Components Catalog

Component catalog AMP offers an extensive library to apply all AMP features to the page.

These components include explanations of the creation, extension, and experimental components.

All information can be filtered by categories such as dynamic content, analytics ads, design, presentation and social media.

The page exposes through code examples how they should be included in the website.


Section of examples walks you through the code needed to configure components, layouts, advanced actions, and checks using AMP Playground.

All of them are filtered by categories and explained by code, images and graphics.


Another of the advantages offered by the AMP website are the courses to learn how to develop websites with AMP . These courses are developed both for expert programmers and for personnel with little experience who are starting out in the world of programming.

The courses are made up of an initial, intermediate, and advanced course offer, for both students and teachers.

The only requirements are to have an Internet connection and a Chrome browser.

Regarding the prerequisites that the user must have, basic knowledge of HTML and CSS is sufficient, for the advanced course with experience in JavaScript and JSON.


Are AMP templates They are divided by page types, such as art and design, e-commerce, food and drink, news and blog, and ads in stories.

The templates offer predetermined designs for websites with styles of galleries, shops, travel, fashion and design, software, videos...


This Google framework offers tools to help in the creation, design and development of pages.

Regarding the creation and design, it offers Instapage, which automates the creation, optimization and personalization of large-scale post-crick experiences, and Unbounce, a platform for creating landing pages, website pop-ups and sticky navigation bars.

In addition, it offers platforms and CMS that help in the pages of companies such as WordPress, Magento, Quintype... All this connected to Search Console and validated through the official tests of Google AMP .


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